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Every Hour, Every Atom – Transcribing Whitman’s Notebooks

Every Hour, Every Atom, a Pride Month discussion about Whitman’s notebooks.

Event Video Link:  https://youtu.be/S-6nqjbkXh4

WWBA is delighted to celebrate Pride Month with a panel discussion about Walt Whitman’s notebooks. This program highlights two different kinds of collaborative projects involving transcriptions: the scholarly edition Every Hour, Every Atom: A Collection of Walt Whitman’s Early Notebooks & Fragments (University of Iowa, 2020) edited by professors Zachary Turpin, PhD and Matt Miller, PhD; and Whitman Diaries & Notebooks, the new “By the People” crowdsourcing transcription project (launching May 26, 2021), for which Abigail Shelton serves as a community manager. Barbara Bair, PhD, Curator of Walt Whitman manuscript collections at the Library of Congress, will moderate this exciting discussion exploring Whitman’s personal notebooks.

June 3, 2021
6:30 pm
6:30 pm