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2024 Student Poetry Contest

WWBA 2024 Student Poetry Contest is now open!
This year’s theme is ‘Song of the Open Road,’ first published in the second edition of Leaves of Grass in 1856. It celebrates the road as a space where people can come together in a meaningful way, where status and social strata matter less.  In 30 lines or less, use your poetic voice and Whitman’s literary device of free verse to show us your road. Where will you go? Whom will you see? What will you learn during your adventure?  Use your five senses to describe your environment. Why did you choose this road? Describe the obstacles you may encounter and the helpers you meet along the way. 
Submission Deadline:  Monday, February 26, 2024

For guidelines and submission form visit

February 26, 2024
12:00 am
12:00 am