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Gwenn A. Nusbaum-WWBA Scholarship

The Gwenn A. Nusbaum-WWBA Scholarship application is open January 1 – April 1, 2024.

Walt Whitman Birthplace Association (WWBA) invites applications for the Gwenn A. Nusbaum-WWBA Scholarship.  The $1800 scholarship is offered in the spirit of Walt Whitman’s poem, “O Me! O Life!” He writes: “That you are here – that life exists and identity, / That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse.”

Applications are sought from those poets at the early stages of their careers, ages 25-35 years.  This scholarship, awarded every year, aims to encourage and assist an emerging poet in their creative poetry writing endeavors.

For guidelines and submission form visit https://www.waltwhitman.org/nusbaumscholarship/

April 1, 2024
12:00 am
12:00 am