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POETS BUILDING BRIDGES – June 8, 2024 – Long Island Poets, Maltese Diaspora, Romanian Diaspora

George Wallace and Walt Whitman Birthplace proudly present season three of POETS BUILDING BRIDGES: A TRIANGULATION PROJECT, inaugurated in March 2022 with the purpose of enhancing dialogue between communities of writers across the US and internationally. Based on a shared small-group experience, these Saturday zoom sessions engage three distinct and well defined communities of poets with each other to share work and foster further interaction. In Season Three, POETS BUILDING BRIDGES will build on that experience, triangulating national and international groups based not only on location but additionally offering key small press publications an opportunity to form a participating group.


Find Zoom Information Below.

Live on zoom. archived on Youtube.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1ojTE8VsJU&t=72s 

Long Island Poets: Judy Turek  |  Deborah Hauser  |  Madeline Artenberg  |  Tony Policano

J R (Judy) Turek, LI Fair Superintendent of Poetry, 2020 Hometown Hero, 2019 LI Poet of the Year, Bards Laureate 2013-2015editor, mentor, workshop leader, author of seven poetry books. Recipient of two Pushcart Prize nominations and the Conklin Prize For Poetry; translated into Korean, Romanian, Italian, and French.  ‘The Purple Poet’ has written a poem a day for 19 years; she lives on Long Island with her soul-mate husband, Paul, her dogs, and her extraordinarily extensive shoe collection. msjevus@optonline.net

Deborah Hauser, Poet Laureate of Suffolk County, NY is the author of Ennui: From the Diagnostic and Statistical Field Guide of Feminine Disorders. Her poems and book reviews have appeared or are forthcoming in Ms. MagazineWomen’s Review of BooksThe Kenyon Review, Prairie Schooner, Bellevue Literary Review, and Calyx. deborahhauser.com

Madeline Artenberg was photojournalist and street-theatre performer before falling for poetry.  Her work appears in such publications as Rattle.  She was a finalist in Mudfish 2020 contest.  A poem was nominated as Best of the Net 2020 by Poets Wear Prada.  Her poetry book, Naming a Hurricane, from Pink Trees Press, is available on Amazon Books.

Tony Policano is an Italian American poet and photographer, born in Brooklyn, raised in Queens and Long Island. He is a board member of the Long Island Poetry Collective and managing editor of Xanadu a national anthology of poems. He currently moderates a weekly Zoom workshop for poets of all levels which he started during the pandemic to support writers displaced from “in-person” workshops.


Maltese Diaspora: Marianne J. Sciberras  |  Nadia Mifsud Mutschler  |  John Peter Portelli  |  Imelda Serracino Inglott

Marianne J Sciberras is a native New Yorker of Maltese descent. She discovered her talent for writing at age 12, when she won a song writing contest for the Girl’s Club of New York. She knew she could sing when chosen as the lead singer in her grammar school production of The Music Man. When life got tougher, writing helped her cope. She began reading her poems and singing at open mics at age 54, after getting divorced and feeling free. A recently retired and well-seasoned Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist of 35 years, she now focuses on entertainment through poetry and singing, with or without her guitar which she taught herself to play.

Born in Malta in 1976, Nadia Mifsud Mutschler moved to France in 1998. She currently lives in Lyon, where she writes, teaches and sometimes translates. To date, she has published three books of poetry, one chapbook, one novel and a collection of short stories. As a member of the Maltese cultural organization Inizjamed, she has been involved in the organization of the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival since 2011, which takes place every summer towards the end of August.

John Peter Portelli is professor emeritus at OISE, University of Toronto. Besides 11 academic books, he has published eight collections of poetry two collections of short stories, and a novel. Originally from Malta, he now lives between Toronto and Malta, and beyond.

Imelda Serracino Inglott was born in Haz-Zebbug, Malta on Jan 4 1946. She studied at the University of Malta and two years at Cincinnati University, worked as a pharmacist and has since retired. A member of the Latese Poets Society and International Society of Poets, her work may be found in anthologies of Maltese poets and in her book Metamorfosi.


Romanian Diaspora:  Claudia Serea  |  Adina Dabija  |  Ioana Ieronim  |  Mihaela Moscaliuc 

Claudia Serea is a Romanian-American poet with poems published in Consequence, Field, New Letters, Prairie Schooner, The Puritan, Oxford Poetry, among others. Her poems have been translated in Russian, French, Italian, Arabic, and Farsi, and have been featured on The Writer’s Almanac. She is the author of seven poetry collections, most recently In Those Years, No One Slept (Broadstone Books, 2023). Serea won a Pushcart Prize, the Joanne Scott Kennedy Memorial Prize from the Poetry Society of Virginia, and the New Letters Readers Award. She is a founding editor of National Translation Month, serves on the board of The Red Wheelbarrow Poets, and co-hosts their monthly readings.

Adina Dabija was born in Aiud, Romania. She worked as a journalist in Bucharest before she pursued her studies in journalism in Quebec, Canada. She now lives in New York, where she practices acupuncture and hypnosis. Her first book, poezia-papusa, was awarded the Bucharest Writers’ Association Guild Prize in 1998. She published Stare nediferentiata in 2010 for which she was awarded Tomis prize in Constanta, Romania. In 2011 she published Beautybeast (North Shore Press), her first collection of poetry in English, and in 2012 her first novel, Saman (Polirom Publishing). Some of her recent writings and interviews can be found at www.sol.center.

Ioana Ieronim is a Romanian poet, essayist, and translator. She is the author of narrative poetry in Triumph of the Water Witch (multiple editions, including in the U.K. and Germany) and Lavinia and Her DaughtersA Carpathian Elegy (U. S.), as well as the online Omnivorous SyllablesWhen Big Is Not Beautiful. (Ceaușescu’s) House of the People. Her poetry and essays were published in translation in more than 10 countries. She wrote studies on the Balkan and Israeli theater and translated poetry and drama from Shakespeare to Tony Kushner. Ieronim won the Poetry Prize of the Romanian Academy. She is a member of the PEN Center and of the Writers’ Union in Romania.

Mihaela Moscaliuc  is the author of the poetry collections Cemetery InkImmigrant Model, and Father Dirt, translator of Liliana Ursu’s Clay and Star and Carmelia Leonte’s The Hiss of the Viper, as well as editor of Insane Devotion: On the Writing of Gerald Stern and co-editor of Border Lines: Poems of Migration. She is associate professor of English at Monmouth University, NJ, and translation editor at Plume.




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POETS BUILDING BRIDGES is produced by Poetrybay Productions for the Walt Whitman Birthplace.

June 8, 2024
12:00 pm
12:00 pm