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POETS BUILDING BRIDGES – October 19, 2024 – NBPF Poets, Three Rooms Press, Armenian Diaspora

George Wallace and Walt Whitman Birthplace proudly present season three of POETS BUILDING BRIDGES: A TRIANGULATION PROJECT, inaugurated in March 2022 with the purpose of enhancing dialogue between communities of writers across the US and internationally. Based on a shared small-group experience, these Saturday zoom sessions engage three distinct and well defined communities of poets with each other to share work and foster further interaction. In Season Three, POETS BUILDING BRIDGES will build on that experience, triangulating national and international groups based not only on location but additionally offering key small press publications an opportunity to form a participating group.



Live on zoom. archived on Youtube. For Season 2 visit our YouTube Channel >>


NBPF Poets:  Deb Kilday  |  Paul Richmond  |  Linda Wlodyka  |  Belinda Subraman

Debbie Tosun Kilday is a Beat Poet, writer, award winning author, nature photographer, artist and owner/CEO of the National Beat Poetry Foundation, Inc., it’s Festivals, and New Generation Beat Publications. She is the author of several books, short stories and poetry. She has appeared on tv and radio. Debbie is a Connecticut native and resident. http://nationalbeatpoetryfoundation.org

Belinda Subraman has been writing poetry for decades. She had a ten year run editing and publishing Gypsy Literary Magazine (1984-94). Six of those ten years were from Germany where she published Bukowski and Burroughs. She currently is editor of GAS: Poetry, Art and Music which is an online zine, a video show and a group on Facebook. She is currently editing a book called Border Beats which will offer a balanced look of life on the border of the U.S. and Mexico.

Linda Bratcher Wlodyka retired as an educator from Mt. Greylock Regional School District in Williamstown in 2020. She has 3 chapbooks previously self-published, Her Spirited Cameo, Voices from the Blue Room and Tick Tock  If Brambles Were Bookends is Linda’s first full length poetry collection. A member of the Florence Poet’s Society, she has held the position as a docent at The Mount, Edith Wharton’s summer home in Lenox, MA.

Paul Richmond‘s poetry is described as political, deadpan and wryly humorous delivered in his own style. He has been called, “Assassin of Apathy” – “power of words / humor – on the unthinkable, the unsolvable, to analyze, to digest, to give birth, to creativity and hope.”  He has performed nationally and internationally. He created the project “Do It Now” He is also a publisher of over 50 writers and has 7 books himself.

Three Rooms Press: Kat Georges  |  Maw Shein Win  |  SA Griffin  |  Peter Carlaftes

Kat Georges is a poet, playwright, editor, publisher, and graphic designer, specializing in digital, interactive, and book design. Her books include two poetry collections (Awe and Other Words Like Wow and Our Lady of the Hunger), a collection of plays Three Somebodies: Plays about Notorious Dissidents, and several chapbooks including Punk Rock Journal and Maiden Claiming. With Peter Carlaftes, she co-edited the Have a NYC mystery/noir short story series. She is co-editor of the annual journal MAINTENANT: A Journal of Contemporary Dada Writing and Art. She is co-director for Three Rooms Press, a New York-based independent publisher inspired by diversity, dada, punk, and passion. She lives in New York City.

Maw Shein Win’s most recent poetry collection is Storage Unit for the Spirit House (Omnidawn), nominated for the Northern California Book Award in Poetry, longlisted for the PEN America Open Book Award, and shortlisted for CALIBA’s Golden Poppy Award for Poetry. Previous collections include Invisible Gifts and two chapbooks Ruins of a glittering palace and Score and Bone. Win’s Process Note Series features poets and their process. She is the inaugural poet laureate of El Cerrito, CA and teaches poetry in the MFA Program at the University of San Francisco. Win often collaborates with visual artists, musicians, and other writers and was recently selected as a 2023 YBCA 100 Honoree. Along with Dawn Angelicca Barcelona and Mary Volmer, she is a co-founder of Maker, Mentor, Muse, a new literary community.

S.A. Griffin lives, loves and works in Los Angeles. Publishing on his own Rose of Sharon imprint since 1988, he is the editor of The Official Language of Yes! (Perceval Press) by Scott Wannberg, co-editor of The Outlaw Bible of American Poetry (Thunder’s Mouth Press) for which he received the Firecracker Award, and Beat Not Beat (Moon Tide Press). Published widely, he is most recently the author of Pandemic Soul Music (Punk Hostage Press). Carma Bum, father, husband, cat lover and Vietnam era veteran of the USAF.

Peter Carlaftes is a publisher, poet, author, and actor. His books include three poetry collections (Life in the Past Lane, I Fold with the Hand I Was Dealt, and Drunkyard Dog), two collections of plays (Triumph for Rent and Teatrophy) and the humorous multimedia book A Year on Facebook. He is co-editor of the annual Dada writing and art journal, MAINTENANT. With Kat Georges, he co-edited the Have a NYC mystery/noir short story series. He also edited The Faking Of The President: 19 Stories Of White House Noir. He is co-director for Three Rooms Press, a New York-based independent publisher inspired by diversity, dada, punk, and passion. He lives in New York City.


Armenian Diaspora: Lola Koundakjian  |  Lory Bedikian  |   Shahé Mankerian  |  Nora Baroudjian

Lola Koundakjian (www.lolakoundakjian.com) is an Armenian poet, editor and translator living in New York City since 1979. She runs the Dead Armenian Poetry Society and curates and produces poems and audio for the online Armenian Poetry Project. Lola’s translations from Western Armenian to English are published widely. Since 2010, Lola has read her work at six international poetry festivals. In 2021 her third book — The Moon in the Cusp on my Hand — won the Minas and Kohar Tololyan Prize in Contemporary Literature. Lola serves on the board of the International Armenian Poetry Association.

Lory Bedikian earned an MFA from the University of Oregon and her collection The Book of Lamenting was awarded the Philip Levine Prize for Poetry. Several of her poems received the First Prize Award in the Pablo Neruda Prize for Poetry as part of the 2022 Nimrod Literary Awards. A manuscript-in-progress received a 2021 grant from the Money for Women/Barbara Deming Memorial Fund.

Poet Shahé Mankerian is the principal of St. Gregory Hovsepian School. He is on the board of International Armenian Literary Alliance (IALA). His inaugural poetry collection, History of Forgetfulness, was published by the Fly on the Wall Press in October of 2021.

Born in Lebanon and a graduate of Yerevan state university’s philology department, Nora Baroudjian started her career in journalism, joining editorial boards at Zartonk (Lebanon) and Nor Haratch ( Paris) with additional collaborations with Diasporan newspapers. She settled in France in 1986, where she teaches Armenian language and history in a school near Paris. In 2020 she formed the Swallow ԾԻԾԵՌՆԱԿ www.dzidzernag.wordpress.com blog for Armenian youth.



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POETS BUILDING BRIDGES is produced by Poetrybay Productions for the Walt Whitman Birthplace.

October 19, 2024
12:00 pm
2:00 pm