Walt Whitman Birthplace Association (WWBA) presents Poetry in Performance: Walking With Whitman, hosted by Writer-in-Residence George Wallace. The signature series continues to bring the most intriguing figures in contemporary literature on the national scene paired with local poets on the Walt Whitman Stage.
Friday September 2nd, Walking With Whitman will feature Nicholas Samaras, the author of “Hands of the Saddlemaker” (Yale University Press, 1992) and Bruce Johnson author of “Borderlands and Dreams.”
Nicholas Samaras is the author of “Hands of the Saddlemaker” (Yale University Press, 1992) and “American Psalm, World Psalm” (Ashland Poetry Press, 2014). Having lived in ten countries, he writes on exile and issues of belonging.
Bruce Johnson is a Northport, LI resident, a lifelong lover of poetry, and a co-founder of poetry in performance scenes in Huntington such as the Paris Cafe and the Huntington Poetry Barn. He recently published a collection of poems, ‘Borderlands and Dreams,” mostly narrative poems written over three decades exploring the power of memory and dreams in our experiences as contemporary Americans and including a section describing experiences working in a homeless shelter as well as with child protective and adult protective services.
No registration is required, there is a $10 entry fee for this event that will be collected at the door.
Refreshments will be served.
This program is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrant Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and is administered by The Huntington Arts Council, Inc.