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WWBA 2023 Series: Legacy of Long Island’s First Peoples, Program 2 – Eugenics Study Of Long Island’s Native Americans

Join us on Thursday, August 17th, for the second event in our WWBA 2023 Series: Legacy of Long Island’s First Peoples: Eugenics Study Of Long Island’s Native Americans featuring Dr. John Strong, PhD.

This event is Zoom only.

Eugenics is the discredited 19th century pseudoscience dedicated to “perfecting” humanity by limiting the reproductive rights of those deemed genetically “inferior.”  Emphasis was placed on various ethnicities and races.  Among the many groups oppressed was the Long Island Native American Community.  Between (1910-1939), the Eugenics Record Office was located at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.


Dr. John Strong, PhD. a noted historian and scholar of American studies has been hailed as “The leading ethnohistorian on Long Island.”  After more than 50 years of teaching, researching, lecturing, and publishing he wrote, America’s Early Whalemen: Indian Shore Whalers on Long Island, 1650-1750.  Strong is also the author of numerous other books, including The Montaukett Indians of Eastern Long Island and The Unkechaug Indians of Eastern Long Island, as well as many scholarly articles about the history, culture, and heritage of the Long Island Native American community.

John A. Strong is a Professor Emeritus of History and American Studies at Long Island University. He has authored numerous journal articles on the Indian peoples of Long Island, and is the author of four major books, including: The Algonquian Peoples of Long Island From Earliest Times to 1700; “We Are Still Here”: The Algonquian Peoples of Long Island Today; The Montaukett Indians of Eastern Long Island; and The Unkechaug People of Eastern Long Island .



This event is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrant Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by The Huntington Arts Council, Inc.

August 17, 2023
7:00 pm
7:00 pm