Two Moons
“Two Moons” is a collection of 68 poems by Kieu Bich Hau. Each poem in this book addresses various themes and emotions, creating a rich and diverse group of verses that explore love, loneliness, passion, and introspection.”
Kieu Bich Hau is a highly regarded Vietnamese poet and writer recognized for her significant contributions to literature. As a member of the Vietnam Writers’ Association and Executive Expert of its External Affairs Office since 2019, she has been pivotal in promoting Vietnamese literature domestically and internationally. She also serves as the Ambassador of Ukiyoto Publisher of Canada to Vietnam, fostering global literary connections. With an extensive literary portfolio,
Kieu Bich Hau has authored 22 books spanning prose, poetry, and essays, which have been translated into numerous languages, including English, Italian, Korean, and Russian. Her dedication to literature has earned her prestigious awards, including the Literary Award for the Youth in 1992 and the ART Danubius Prize in 2022 for her contributions to Vietnamese-Hungarian literary and cultural relations. In 2023, she received a Special Award from The International Poetry Festival – Europa in Versi for her remarkable efforts in promoting Vietnamese poetry and prose on a global scale. Kieu Bich Hau’s impact resonates both nationally
and internationally in the world of literature.
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