The Moon in the Cusp of My Hand
Lola Koundakjian makes poetry of exquisite moments. Whether she encounters the quotidian or theextraordinary, what she conveys is profound. In her voice you’ll find experiences of the cosmopolitan,the bold, and the bereft, a life concocting meals, savoring music, commingling with the natural world,surveying lovers, testifying to war, searching for art, caring for ill parents, and traveling across NYC andthe world as a poetry diplomat and empath. As you read her insights, you will feel discomfited, soothed,moved, and loved. Expertly fusing form and content, navigating between whimsy and gravitas, Lolaoffers a unique vision of hope.Lola Koundakjian crea poesía a partir de momentos exquisitos. Ya sea lo cotidiano o lo extraordinario, loque expresa es profundo. En su propia voz encontrarás experiencia sobre lo cosmopolita, lo audaz y lodesolador, una vida preparando comidas, saboreando la música, conviviendo con el mundo natural,valorando a amantes, testificando sobre la guerra, buscando arte, cuidando de padres enfermos, yviajando por Nueva York y el mundo como diplomática poética y siendo empática. A medida que leas suspercepciones, te sentirás incómodo, aliviado, conmovido, y amado. Fusionando forma y contenido demanera experta, navegando entre lo extravagante y lo serio, Lola ofrece una visión única de laesperanza.
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